
Karel Malich

Karel Malich

Born October 18 1924, Holice v Čechách
Lived in Prague (1945)
Died October 24 2019

A significant Czech painter from the second half of the 20th century, he was a graphic artist, illustrator and creator of spatial installations. He translated his innermost feelings for natural landscape into the form of wire sculptures and drawings, which represent his unmistakable style, sensitively capturing simple events and relationships around us.
(Olga Staníková)

painting, drawing, graphics, illustration, object, installation
Karel Malich – Artlist – databáze současného umění
Malich Karel – Informační systém abART
Karel Malich – VVP AVU – I-DATUM
Karel Malich - Výtvarnické konfese (dokument Česká televize iVysílání, 2008, rež. P. Skala)

Muzeum umění Olomouc 2011-2024